The Key Elements of a Product Liability Claim in Florida

Manufacturing companies are responsible for ensuring the safety of consumers by testing their products before releasing them to the market. Sometimes, however, problems can arise during the design or manufacture of a product, and when problems do arise, the manufacturing company can be held liable for any resulting injuries or loss, according to product liability law.

If you are considering filing a product liability claim for injuries or loss caused by a faulty product, there are some things you should know. In order for a claim to be considered, it must meet the following criteria:

  • You must be able to prove loss as a result of the product (this could be monetary or physical)
  • You must be able to prove that the product was defectively designed or manufactured and that the manufacturer should have been aware of the problems and properly warned consumers about the potential risks
  • You must be able to show that the product proximately caused injury or loss
  • You must prove that you were using the product as intended

When manufacturing companies cut corners or conceal risks from the public in an effort to make a profit, they can and should be held accountable.

At The Law Office of Baron, Herskowitz, and Cohen, our Miami product liability lawyers advocate for consumers that have suffered injury or loss due to the negligent actions of manufacturing companies. We have vast experience in these types of claims and can help you recover compensation for damages such as monetary loss, physical injury and wrongful death.

If you believe that you have a product liability claim, contact us for a free case evaluation.

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